You may be surprised to know, every day about 1,40,000 blogs are created on different blogging platforms. And, you will be more surprised to know that out of that much blogs about 99.99% blogs die and only 0.01% that is 14 blogs survive for the long haul with a moderate to decent earnings.
The reasons may range from the ban of AdSense A/c to ban by Google (Search Engines). A good number of talented bloggers could have been saved with proper guidance by veteran bloggers, like me (just kidding).
I am going to tell you – 7 signs of bloggers which lead them to abandon the blogging career forever.
This article is specially written for those bloggers who are in their first year of blogging career, and struggling to get applause in the form of Traffic or Comments or AdSense clicks or premium Ads etc. Frustrated enough to eat their laptops and quit the blogging career.
1. Wrong Niche (Blogging Is Not Your Passion)
To be a successful blogger, your passion should be your blogging niche. No matter – whatever is your blogging niche (IT/Cooking/Fashion) and whether it is in top demand or not.
If you are a passionate blogger, if you are following your passion, then you are doing the right thing.
Unfortunately, most of the bloggers, while deciding the blogging niche (and the Domain Name) follow the present trends.
They always think about the niche which generates maximum revenue and the niche their fellow bloggers/friends are following. An out-of-out dumb thing!
If you are a guy passionate about Gadgets and Gizmos, that does not mean you start blogging about – How to be a successful blogger or Top WordPress tips and tricks or How to be an SEO guru or Best gadgets recommended for you.
It is an altogether stupid thing, because “how long will you go with it? ”, after all this is not your passion.
What will happen, when your traffic drys-up or your revenue-drys up due to top competition by other passionate bloggers in the same niche?
You will be forced to quit your blogging career, as this niche is not your passion.
2) Blogging For Money
If you have joined the blogging bandwagon, only to earn money with blogs through Google AdSense or BuySellAds or Affiliate sells or other services, then you are almost a dumb.
First of all – Blogging is not a child’s play.
If you produce quality content regularly, helping your blog followers/visitors and making their life easy.
Traffic and money will follow you automatically. But, if you blog for/follow money, then money will not follow you. And, without money, you will be forced to quit your blogging career.
Newbie bloggers usually give-up blogging, when they can not generate revenue by AdSense, or their Google AdSense account gets banned due to click-bombing or other reasons, or when they do not get premium Ads via BuySellAds/others, or they do not get money by affiliate selling etc.
Follow your passion, and money will follow you. Start following money and you will be included in the Prestigious DUMB Bloggers’ League.
3) Spending More Time On Social Networking
If you spend > 10 – 20% of the time on Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest for the sole purpose of driving traffic, then your blogging career is definitely in jeopardy.
Maybe for a short period you will get a traffic boost on your blog. But, in the long run it does not work.
How long will your friends and followers visit your blog, if you will not devote much of your time creating quality/valuable content? Maybe few months or a year! That is all.
On the other hand, quality and evergreen content become a permanent source of traffic for multiple years. And, helps you to generate your desired revenue by sending targeted traffic or visitors.
4) Behaving Like An SEO Jockey
Every technology bloggers think they are SEO specialist by simply knowing few things like keywords, meta tags and Google Penguin!
They become so much over-confident that they end-up harming themselves for over-optimizing and penalized by Google Panda or Penguin.
Link building is an art and can be acquired over a period of time by regular practice. On-page search engine optimization is a pure science, a subtle use of SEO techniques keeping all the future possibilities of SEO changes by Google (search engines).
SEO is not a simple topic at all. It is a combination of art and science. Do not prove yourself a dumb blogger by acting like an SEO expert.
Anything in SEO (excess) is always bad. Practice just the right SEO (moderate) and enjoy a great traffic.
5) Monitoring Traffic
When you getup in the morning, and open your Google Analytics to monitor how much traffic you are getting, instead of planning for a great blog post for the day, then your blogging career is about to finish after few months, for sure.
Occasional monitoring of traffic is definitely advisable for better planning or any change of plan (hit by Panda or Penguin). But, monitoring of traffic on Google Analytics for hours together like a traffic-addict is certainly not.
Utilize this precious time for content creation, promotion or reading others’ blog posts to updates your information pool.
6) Counting Google AdSense And Affiliate Sale CLICKs
Are you obsessed with your AdSense Clicks or Affiliate sale Clicks? Spending much of your time counting the Ad/Affiliate clicks is a sure sign of dumb blogger.
The problem is – When your AdSense or Affiliate sales does not deliver the desired revenue, you become frustrated. And, if your AdSense account banned by Google for any unethical practice, then you are definitely going to quit your blogging career. B’cos you are blogging only for AdSense or Affiliate marketing.
7) Practicing -Ve SEO
Here I am not talking about the exact Negative SEO, but practices which usually harm other fellow bloggers, and do not do any good for your own blog.
If your hatred force you to not commenting on your competitors’ blog post, if you are defaming your fellow bloggers by spreading false rumors or if you are trying to click-bomb your fellow bloggers, then you are about to be ruined.
B’cos, not only you are spending your valuable resources (time) for nothing, but also you are spoiling your reputation and harming yourself by not doing any good for your own blog, the dumbest of all the 7 signs. KNNYKUHJYNXB
My suggestion: It is better to be late, than never. If you do not want to include yourself in the Dumb Bloggers League (DBL), then stop practicing the above 7 things immediately. And, be a Successful Blogger in future.